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Image by Wade Lambert


Our Story

At The Rhino Collective, we are committed to creating a positive impact on families by fostering spiritual growth and connection with God. Our programs and initiatives are designed to bring people together and inspire meaningful change.

Helping girls find their place in God’s universe.

Our goal is to help Middle and High School girls look up to the heavens to find God. Our dream is for Space Camp Girls to be a rocket booster to help each one find her unique gifts and calling.

Father and Son


Ripple Retreat

Most dads have packed and exhausting schedules. Most dads have excellent intentions to spend quality time with their sons. But in a lot of cases dads miss out on time with their sons. The Ripple Retreat provides a space for dads and sons to connect.


The Rhino Collective is passionate about missions. Our aim is to create environments to worship God around the world.

Image by DWagonerd


  • Space Camp Girls - Spring 2025
    Space Camp Girls - Spring 2025
    Fri, Mar 21
    Thomas Road Outpost - T.R.O.
    Space Camp Girls is focused on 6th-12th grade girls. Our goal is to help Middle and High School girls look up to the heavens to find God. Our dream is for Space Camp Girls to be a rocket booster to help each one find her unique gifts and calling.


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The Rhino Collective is a 501c3, non-profit that creates environments for every member of a family. To promote health and value of Spiritual Gifting for generations.

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